June 1 was a red letter day for Quinovic with the opening of two new offices in the Auckland region.
The offices, in Glenfield on Auckland’s North Shore and Warkworth on the Kowhai Coast 64km north of the Super City CBD, bring the number of Quinovic franchises around New Zealand to 29.
Both Glenfield and Warkworth are hot spots for growth in the current booming real estate market, with a need for the professional approach to customer-focused residential property management that is the hallmark of Quinovic Group and our individual principals and property managers.
Quinovic Glenfield is operated by Deanne Peach and Mark Wells while Linda Otter is principal of Quinovic Warkworth. Along with our other offices they have the support of our experienced and dedicated Group Office staff in Wellington and access to the investor-friendly property management systems that have been developed and proven since the first office opened in 1988.
At Glenfield, both Deanne and Mark are qualified accountants and successful investors with many years of experience buying and managing the right properties for their own portfolios. And while Linda’s previous roles have
had a strong business management and customer service focus, she has also worked in real estate and property management since moving to the North and knows the Warkworth market well.
We’re delighted Deanne, Mark and Linda have joined the Quinovic team after recognising the advantages of our strong brand and support, and we are geared up to ensure they provide their clients with our ‘Care and Return’ focused property management services.
Quinovic founder and current Executive Chairman Ross Davey is delighted that as the Group has grown since its first franchised office opened in 1988 it has consistently achieved the level of excellence in property management services, backed by first-rate systems and processes, that was its mission from the beginning.
"In the years since then, we’ve developed unique expertise in managing residential properties, both for home owners moving out of town and residential property investors," says Ross.
"Our thorough, professional and technologically-advanced approach has so successfully met the demand for quality property management services that today we’re the leading residential property management group in New Zealand."
We have identified scope within our proven franchise system for further offices to service other parts of New Zealand and we’re keen to hear from people who are passionate about residential property management. You can find out more and order a franchise information pack here.