01 November 2020

Looking back at October

Just as Auckland returned to Level 1 and the country to some semblance of normality, New Zealand turned its attention to an election and referendum that culminated in a historic win for Labour. There’s no doubt that housing will be a central part of the mandate for the next three years, with property owners and rental customers invested in the outcomes of these decisions. As we are a number of months removed from the passing of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill, we’ve been interested in the ongoing discussions in both our property owner and rental communities. 

To already be in November 2020 is an almost surreal feeling for the team, although like many, we’ll be happy to look towards a much more positive 2021 for the country and the world. At this point in the year, it’s a good idea to start thinking about the Christmas and New Year break, as well as the busy tenancy renewal or ending season over December, January and February.